Race Info
The updated race guide for the 2023 event is now available here: http://www.tad10.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/2023-Race-Guide-v2.pdf Race Guide includes information on how to get to the event, course descriptions and timings of prize giving after the event.
Michael · September 11, 2017 at 6:37 pm
Where do we park
tad10 · September 11, 2017 at 7:12 pm
there are several car parks in Tadcaster – the closest one to Race HQ is the central car park located off Chapel Street. Head for the centre of town then follow the one way system along Chapel Street. If you see Costa – the car park is located behind these shops. There is also parking available next to the bus station (closer to the race start) and behind the Enterprise Centre (about 300m from Race HQ). We’ll get some signs up – so you should be able to find them easy enough…
tad10 · September 14, 2017 at 10:29 am
There is plenty of parking in and around the town centre. The race guide that was sent out at the beginning of the week (and is also available on the tad10.com website) shows all the recommended parking areas.
Emma Mitchell · September 13, 2017 at 8:29 am
Hi we have some friends coming to watch us finish and they are getting the bus. Will buses be able to drop off as normal around 11:30 or will roads be closed / no buses from 09:30. He will be checking out buses but need to understand what’s happening in tad if you have any idea. Thanks
tad10 · September 14, 2017 at 10:27 am
The only bus that might be affected is the 9.56 Coastliner that departs from the bus station. We are trying to limit the road closures around the centre of Tadcaster to minimise disruption to local residents and traffic passing through Tadcaster. All roads are closed on the central loop between 9.55 and 10.15am. After this the only road that will continue to be closed is Wighill Lane which is where the finish line will be located. So hopefully your 11.30 bus shouldn’t be affected.
Lianne · September 13, 2017 at 7:18 pm
Are headphones allowed? Last year you were able to but thought I’d ask.
Thank you ?